670 Griswold Street, Suite 200 Northville, MI,48167​

We are available Monday-Thursday


Holistic Chiropractic Services

Meet Our Chiropractic Physician

Dr. Suby Thomas D.C.

Dr. Suby Thomas has been a certified Chiropractor for over 25 years. She received her Doctor of Chiropractic, Bachelor of Science in Human Anatomy, as well as her training in Cox Flexion Distraction Technique, Nutrition, Physiotherapy and Meridian Therapy – Acupuncture from The National University of Health Science in 1998.


Services We Offer

Comprehensive Wellness Services for Optimal Health

At Holistic Chiropractic, we offer a diverse range of services designed to elevate your well-being. Our dedicated team focuses on personalized care, addressing the root causes of discomfort, and promoting holistic health. Explore our services to embark on your path to optimal wellness.

Initial Evaluation

Kickstart your path to well-being with our in-depth initial evaluation. Our experienced team conducts a thorough assessment, identifying your unique health needs and goals. We then create a personalized treatment plan tailored specifically to you. This is where your journey to optimal health starts. Don't wait – take the first step towards a healthier, happier life.


Chiropractic Adjustment

A safe, gentle and effective method for treating neck, mid back and lower back pain relief. In addition to disorders of shoulder, elbow, wrist, hip, knee and ankle. Chiropractic adjustments are performed to improve lost range of motion, increase segmental joint mobility, stimulate joint position sensors and promote normal function of the central nervous system. The overall goal of a chiropractic adjustment is to promote optimal health.


Flexion Distraction

Gentle safe controlled treatment of spinal pain relief. Targeted area of spine is isolated and slightly flexed in a pumping rhythm. Experience pain relief in the following areas: Lower back/leg, neck/arm, other spinal conditions, including but not limited to Degenerated discs, Herniated disc, Disc bulge, Stenosis, Spondylolisthesis, Synovial cysts, and Facet syndrome.


Soft Tissue Technique

Serve to improve flexibility, decrease pain, increase range of motion, and facilitate tissue healing. Soft tissue techniques include incorporating Massage Therapy, Trigger Point Therapy, Cupping, and Myofascial release. These techniques are performed to decrease muscle spasms, reduce tension and increase blood flow to the tissue to remove toxins and supply nutrients.


Trigger Point Therapy

Trigger points are very common in muscles and may have been caused by trauma, an injury from a fall or accident, poor posture or overexertion. Slow, controlled, static pressure is applied to the “trigger points” to deactivate, eliminate pain and to re-educate the muscles into pain-free habits. Common results are: increased range of motion, flexibility, circulation and coordination improvement. Ultrasound Therapeutic procedure used to treat tendon and ligament injuries, muscle/soft tissue injuries, scar tissue, and arthritis. Ultrasound treatments are useful for resolving chronic inflammatory conditions.


Spine & Sports Rehabilitation

Custom designed to expedite the recovery process of injury and prevent re-injury or exacerbation. Rehab programs that we offer: Pre and post natal conditioning, lumbo-pelvic stabilization, cervical stabilization, sports injury rehabilitation, balance and stability training, flexibility training, postural re-education and training. For many disc injuries, we utilize the McKenzie technique as a treatment method with great success.


Neuromuscular Therapy

This form of therapy as an effective treatment, particularly for back pain caused by soft tissue injury (such as a muscle strain). With different techniques, the muscle relaxes and blood and oxygen are replenished to the area. Neuromuscular therapy assists in bringing balance between the muscles, the skeletal system and the nervous system, and assists in maintaining optimum health.


Interferential Current

Also referred to as a muscle or electro stimulation, used to reduce both acute and chronic pain, in order to speed tissue healing. Known to block transmission of pain signals along the nerves. Also shown to promote the release of endorphins (natural pain killers produced by the body). A painless procedure.



Traction can be performed manually or mechanically. Reduces pressure on the neck or lower back. Relieves nerve pain, tissue inflammation and pressure caused by herniated or bulging discs.

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